Smart Parking. Green Mobility. Desk Booking

We work less from the office. But when we have to go, we want flexibility and efficiency, especially when having to use shared resources like parking or office space.
Fair access for all employees based on real needs and mobility criteria contributes to a new organisational model that the younger generations aspire to.
Nominative desks and parking spots are no longer the norm. Companies need to switch to flexible shared assets’ usage. To do so, they have to be equipped with the right tools to make it easy and efficient for the users. By introducing smart parking, green mobility and flexible working solutions to your employees, you will answer their needs while boosting your efficiency.
With Commuty, your employees know in advance if a parking spot is available. If not, they can then opt for alternative means of transport or work remotely.
They also have the choice to delay their commute and start working from home to avoid traffic.

Green mobility and flexible working are often forgotten when dealing with parking pressure.
With Commuty, we’ve got you covered thanks to one single app.