
Cédric Jennes Benefits & Mobility Manager, Partenamut At Partenamut we went from dedicated parking spots to a dynamic system based on objective priority rules. Our parking is now used to its full capacity, thanks to Commuty s easy tool! Since the system runs...

Bank Van Breda

Luk Lammens Facility Manager, Bank Van Breda The Commuty parking app makes sure all our spots are distributed fairly every day. Privileged colleagues used to free access to the parking had to adapt at the start, but the experience has really grown positive. The app is...


Cédric Jennes Mobility Manager, Partenamut At Partenamut we went from dedicated parking spots to a dynamic system based on objective priority rules. Our parking is now used to its full capacity, thanks to Commuty’s easy tool! Since the system runs automatically, it...

How to optimize first come first served parking spots ?

In this video Anne-Claire, the co-founder and manager of Commuty talks to you about “what to do when you have a parking that’s used based on the “first come first serve” principle” and that you have unhappy employees. First come first serve parking So, basically, how...