
Mieke Pauwels Executive Assistant to Global President Kipling, Vera Breuer The Commuty tool offers a COVID-safe and simple desk reservation system. Select your day, pick your department free office spot and it’s done! It gives a safe feeling knowing the desks are...


Sébastien Laporte Head of Organization Effectiveness & Facilities, Ethias We are reinventing our parking management by making it more fluid for our collaborators at HQ. Spots are allocated every day automatically through the Commuty platform, to collaborators based on...

What is smart parking management?

Anne-Claire, the co founder and manager of Commuty takes a quick look with you at what is smart parking management for companies. So she starts with what classic parking management at companies is and what we see today.  Different types of parking management There are...

How to tackle the complexity of a mobility policy ?

You recently moved or got a new job? Commuting distances and alternatives to go to work must be one of your concerns!  We bet you took it into account before making your decision. It appears indeed that the ease of access to work plays an increasingly important role...

Popular misconceptions about parking management.

Today, our customer happiness manager, Natacha, is going to share three popular misconceptions about parking management that she often hears from our customers and prospects. First misconception This is the most frequent one! People often believe that only the owner...